Eagle River Genealogical Society Monthly Meeting

Eagle River Genealogical Society Monthly Meeting

The Eagle River Genealogical Society holds its monthly meeting on the first Monday of every month. This month’s meeting will be devoted to learning about the David Rumsey Map Collection. Our purpose as a society is “Providing you with to tools to discover your Roots...
Karen Kubacki

Karen Kubacki

This exhibit includes both originals and giclee prints, and consists of acrylic paintings, colored pencil and pen and ink drawings. “My inspiration comes from the colors, patterns and shadows found in nature. I find that I am especially intrigued by the...
Author Event with Suzie Bronk Hunt

Author Event with Suzie Bronk Hunt

Join visiting author Suzie Bronk Hunt as she shares her experiences from her personal writing career and discusses the importance of family stories. Suzie will also have copies of her two novels for sale at the end of the discussion: Weathering the Storm and Rose...

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